Thursday, April 24, 2008

Summer 2008 Big Give Begins!

The phone list has begun, and the group is goin!!

"Hello Gals!

Last night's meeting was great! We had an awesome group of girls who were able to turn out, and we are off to an amazing start.

A quick update. There is no meeting next week, the next meeting will be May 7th. We are going to try and stay consistent with the Wednesdays. I will write after each meeting with an update and brief recap, and I will write the Monday before the scheduled meeting with the place and address of the meeting to come.

We were able to discuss our goals and challenges of this summer's meeting and we will define most of them when we meet next. For those of you who weren't here, the inspiration for this summer's group was from Oprah's Big Give. This show created an impact nation wide of learning how to give big of yourself and to your community. We are going to pick one candidate that we will put efforts towards changing their life this summer, and move forward with a huge vision in doing that...we also are going to leave each meeting with one personal challenge...this weeks challenge is to change one light bulb in each of our homes to a new energy saving bulb. Sounds silly, but its all about doing it.

Attached is the start of the phone/email list. I will update it as we go. For those that were not able to attend, we can't wait to have you with us. Please, if you would like to stop receiving emails regarding the meeting, reply to me here and let me know. Also, if you are interested, please try and attend as many meetings as possible to stay committed and to be supportive.

For the girls that were able to attend last nights meeting, thanks for your energy and the personal challenge suggestions, they were great. Again, if you have any suggestions toward the candidate base please send them to me before Sunday. This will give me the time to interview and follow up. Also, feel free to call me and discuss if that works better!


**Phone list is not attached here, this blog is meant to trace the steps and feelings of the growth of the group**

At this meeting, meeting # 1, sweet gal named Dede attended, most of us had never met her, and suggested we journal our thoughts and feelings surrounding this summer's give. Until now that was in discussion, and this blog is my attempt to bring that idea to fruition!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Bringing back to LIFE Shauna's Women's Group!

This is where it starts! With an idea, an urge...intention! Yay!

"Hello Everyone!

Not many of you know, and I did not know many of you, but 7 years ago when I moved to the Valley, I had a Women's Group that would take place at my home in Chandler every Wednesday night. It was small and quaint but it had a purpose and was great while it lasted.

By now I have shared with a few of you that I will be restarting that group for the summer, and with TONS of passion and conviction! If you are ready to be inspired, to inspire, and to be challenged then don't miss being part of this go round. Personally I love to, and I am ready to do things that are bigger than myself and the immediate world that I live in, and also make some amazing changes for myself, and for others. I know some of you are part of local charities and clubs, and others not, either way we would love to have you, your good vibes, and energy part of ours.

The first "pre-liminary" meeting will be held this next Wednesday April 23rd at Marisa Stockwood's home in Scottsdale. Her address is 7452 E. Quill Scottsdale 85255 It will be from 6:30 to 7:30. No need to bring anything, it is not a happy hour or a dinner. There will be tea and water, we will get in sit down and get to the point :) Its gonna be tons of fun and very fulfilling!

Please let me know if you will be making it by simply replying to this email. Also, feel free to fwd this email and invite any other ladies that you think would like to be part of this. The more the merrier. I will look forward to seeing you there!
