Tuesday, July 22, 2008

~ASU!! Here she comes!~


Yesterday, Elizabeth and I had a 3:00pm appointment with a transfer recruiter at the College of Education at ASU.

We met at 2:30pm in the visitor parking lot by Chili’s and walked to the College of Education building. Her smile stretched from ear to ear and her eyes lit up as she took in her surroundings and imagined herself walking the campus as a student. I confirmed for her that attending a university is such an adventurous and exciting time in life. As we waited in the office for Katie, the recruiter, to arrive, we talked about different opportunities that are available to students in particular studying abroad. She was very intrigued by that and wanted more information.

The recruiter confirmed that Elizabeth is on the right track to transfer to ASU. She explained to us that ASU and the Maricopa Community Colleges have an alliance that all transfer students who receive their Associates Degree in Elementary Education and have a minimum 2.5 GPA will automatically transfer with all their credits into education program. We also learned that Elizabeth could receive a bachelor degree in elementary education and a bachelor degree in special education by only taking 6 additional credits. The recruiter said the two degrees would make her extremely marketable for a wide variety of jobs. Elizabeth decided that she definitely wants to graduate with both majors and is ready for the challenge.

Katie advised Elizabeth to apply to ASU at the very beginning of her last semester (August/September of fall 2009) at Mesa Community College in order to meet all the necessary deadlines to attend spring semester 2010. Katie then informed us of a program offered through the college of education for students to earn their student teaching hours in Costa Rica . We saw pictures of the students who were in Costa Rica this summer.

Elizabeth asked Katie if she knew anything about teaching opportunities at American army bases throughout the world and coincidentally Katie taught at a base in Germany while her husband was stationed there. Katie shared her experiences teaching on the base and Elizabeth was so fascinated.

Our appointed lasted 45 minutes and went by so fast. It was very informative and exciting for Elizabeth and she felt comfortable that she moving in the right direction to some day soon be a student at ASU!!! Being on campus made me miss those good old days!

Written by Marisa Stockwood

1 comment:

Nina said...

This is soo cool it beyond words...good job ladies and Elizabeth for all the BIG changes she is making and working towards!!!