Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Spending time in our community....

Learning about the homeless community in Arizona & how we can help?
Back when we were planning for our big fundraiser day we decided that we would try and make it an entire day of giving...we decided that we would head to the homeless community in downtown Phoenix and educate ourselves on what there is to offer for the homeless and how we could give our assistance...
We spent the day with a lovely girl named Laura who is part of the Americorp program and currently employed by Lodestar in downtown Phoenix. Lodestar is one of many organizations that have systems in place to help the homeless. She gave us a tour of the facilities and educated us on how their systems and levels work for the men and women that utilize the programs in place. It was a real eye opening experience, even if you have seen it before, it is still shocking.
It was really special to see the cafe that Laura and my friend Ronnie started from scratch, and it was great to have my youngest brother Max with us....Elizabeth asked tons of questions and was very inquisitive regarding the ins and outs of the services that were offered.
I feel like we were all inspired to remember that there are people out there that could use our help and we were definitely reassured of our blessings. It was great to give our time without receiving anything in return.

Pictured from left to right: Elizabeth, Max & Laura

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
